They are prone to compression-related damage. Losses during puma shoes for men these two steps must not be convoluted with the yield of UV-casting, which is highly consistent once the UV dosage and the thickness of the resin is properly optimized. We have devoted a great deal of effort to troubleshoot the demolding and bonding steps, and developed techniques to eliminate inconsistencies and inadvertent damages to the replicated microstructures. The result is an increased quality control and improvement in yield.
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) molds were prepared according to procedures described previously 18 from a molding master that was prepared by deep-reactive ion etching of silicon wafer and subsequently silanized with PUMA resin , CT) was dispensed to 3-mm thickness onto the puma golf shoes PDMS mold, then covered with a sheet of cellophane tacked to a clear polypropylene backing (8-mil thick) to prevent oxygen inhibition of the cross-linking reaction ( Fig. 1A ).
Providing nominally 80 mW/cm 2 at 365 nm) for 80 puma running shoes sec (expose through resin side), followed by an additional 40 sec (expose through mold). Once released from the mold, PUMA substrate was conformally bonded to another PUMA-coated (cured) glass coverslip with gentle mechanical pressure. This conformal bond was converted to permanent bond by placing the PUMA chip under the UV flood source for an additional 10 min. Material layout during molding of PUMA chip. 1 : PDMS mold; 2 .
The right side of Fig. 1B illustrates interfacing a puma roma 1/16-in OD (or of equivalent dimensions as PE100 tubing from Becton Dickinson) PTFE tubing with a PUMA chip. We found that conventional polyethylene (PE) tubing ( e.g. PE100), which is commonly used to interface with PDMS-based microfluidic devices, did not work well with PUMA chips, because (1) polyethylene surfaces are resistant to adhesive bonding, and (2) highly elastic tubings collapse easily when pulled in the longitudinal direction.
Causing delamination from the adhesive. The best tubing among those evaluated was the 1/16-in OD PTFE tubing. Although it is nearly impossible to chemically bond to PTFE tubings, that can be circumvented by covering the external surface with a polyolefin heat-shrink. Then the PTFE tubing may be inserted either directly into a 1/16-in diameter hole and secured with additional resin, or into a 1/8-in hole with a puma clyde supplemental PU tubing (1/8-in OD) as a shear anchor, and lastly secured with additional resin.
After UV curing, the PUMA-PDMS assembly was placed on the base suction cup and the vacuum pump was turned on. The base suction cup held the PDMS mold in place while the upper suction cup was slowly brought down to contact the transparent polypropylene cover on top of the cured resin. The touch-down speed should be sufficiently slow such that minimal downward force was exerted on the resin. Once the vacuum gauge on the pump dropped
from atmospheric pressure to the ultimate pressure of the pump.